The first blog entry, i.e. Beginning, Plan and Journey
As in the title – the first entry, and in it:
- why I decided to run this site
- who is it for
- what you will find on it
- what is the Plan
This is one of the reasons why this page is for and for whom.
First of all – as a business card: for those who do not know me and want to get basic information about me or contact details.
Secondly – blogging platform (maybe audio and video in the future): for those who want to read my posts, discuss them and other things on the forum.
Thirdly … life will verify it, hence the Journey: which I start with the first post. I have some ideas and plans, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it all turned in some other unforeseen direction. Adventure. Let’s start with the blog itself – I decided to stop being only the recipient of the content and become its creator.
Why? Because I want to share my thoughts with the world, confront them with other points of view. Because I am already alive for a while, I have experienced and gathered some experience and knowledge, some say it is valuable; Recently, I often help people, give advice, and quite regularly I hear “it gave me a lot, you should write a book on this subject” – I have neither the strength nor an idea for a book, but a blog can be such an incoherent book in episodes. So, on the one hand, I want to share what I know. On the other hand, I hope to build a community of people after some time, in which there will be many people smarter than me in various areas, from which I, in turn, will be able to learn.
And here we go from blog to forum. I believe that this form of communication is sorely lacking at the moment. Forums have been superseded by social media, nevertheless – this is different, with different pros and cons. A forum bringing together people who want to develop, who do not hide behind an anonymous account, offers great opportunities. It allows you to create a community.
And I think we need this, grassroots self-organization. That’s all for the introduction – I encourage you to read the next entries and register on the forum!